
DaNamian Jungle Fighters - Roll Call Is Over

Well, it's the end of my day here in the Mad Robot Labs...that means the Roll Call for the DaNamian Jungle Fighters has come to an end.  I consider it a huge success!  48 squads were preordered, we put a number of new parts into circulation:

3 Head Sets
2 Torso Sets
3 Arms Sets
1 Leg Set
2 Rifles
3 different sizes of Backpacks
1 Accessories kit
MR-60 Torso
MR-79 Torso
All in all, a great bit of work!  A huge THANK YOU to all who have participated in this Roll Call.  Production has already begun on many of the parts and I hope to have the first squads shipping out in the next few weeks.

See you for the next one this summer...

1 comment:

  1. gamekiller
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    Production has already begun on many of the parts and I hope to have the first squads shipping out in the next few weeks.
